Autism Pure Play Logo


How I see me

Over the last twenty years, I have been focused on helping business leaders operationalize great ideas. I did this through direct VC investment, hands on management and consultancy services. Included among these were Net-A-Porter and Cult Beauty.

In 2015 I was diagnosed with ASD, and now identify as Neurodiverse.

My heart felt belief as I have come to understand my diagnosis is that Neurodiversity inclusion benefits every organisation large or small, business or community and I encourage YOU to embrace everyone.

  • I focus on my Neurodiverse Strengths rather than my ‘weaknesses’

  • I do not seek sympathy, but assist people in understanding why I might be ‘different’

  • Neurodiversity is not a destiny or a ‘negative diagnostic assessment’

Scubadiver amongst a large school of fish
A scubadiver diving in deep blue waters


In Business

Historically I worked with founders and enjoyed mentoring senior leadership in early stage start-ups to develop scalable, intelligent business models.

  • My value to a business is to predict and deal with problems before they are problems

  • I can see an issue whilst it is still just an intangible but that understanding and identification enables  avoidance of costly future tangible issues.

  • I calculate and produce multiple variations of key business variables, which in effect models multivariate scenarios linking, finance, operations, technology, which greatly reduces ‘costly trial & error processes


Notable News




How I See