Ellie Middleton

Following the amazing success of Ellie Middleton’s “Unmasked”, her second book “how to be you” is being released on Sept 5, 2024.


“how to be you” is packed with practical tips from Ellie on how to “say goodbye to should, would and could” and help you work with your neurodivergent mind rather than battle with it. The book is available for pre-order on Amazon right now in both print and kindle formats. I’ll post more about it prior to its release date. I was fortunate enough to be able to share Ellie’s first book with friends and colleagues around the world, and from the feedback from that, I am looking forward to Ellie’s latest work.

How to be You: Say Goodbye to Should, Would and Could So That You Can

The latest feel-good book packed with practical tips from the author of the smash-hit book on ADHD, autism and neurodivergence, UNMASKED.

Ellie Middleton is back with a new, practical book to help you work WITH your neurodivergent brain rather than AGAINST it. In each chapter, she writes about the eight executive functions that neurodivergent people struggle with including working memory, prioritisation and emotional regulation and shares 5 simple tips for readers to try out, including:

– Creating a launch pad to remember the essentials when you leave the house
– Drawing a car park of ideas to help visualise your thoughts and manage impulse control
– The 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 mindfulness technique to prevent spiralling and regulate emotions
– Breaking up each day into Four Quadrants to approach every day with more flexibility

This isn’t another journal or planner that claims to organize your entire life because Ellie is the first to admit that she doesn’t have things under control 100% of the time. This also is not a book about how to fit into the neurotypical way of doing things (aka masking). Instead, Ellie reveals why society tells us that we ‘should’ do things (read: patriarchy, ableism, White supremacy) and shows us how we can all free ourselves of those expectations, feel empowered and, ultimately, be more YOU.

Related Posts:

UNMASKED: The Ultimate Guide to ADHD, Autism and Neurodivergence – Ellie Middleton

Unmasked – Book Launch