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Philanthropy and Charitable Giving

Net-A-Porter co-founder, Neurotribes founder and serial entrepreneur Mark Quinn-Newall explains why giving to charity is such an important part of his life.

“I don’t think there’s any point in being successful in business unless you can use the fruits of your success to make the world a better place. Supporting good causes is a very important part of my life. Especially those that focus on issues close to my heart.

The charities I give to tend to fall into five categories that really matter to me. Broadly speaking, they are:

  • Promote neurodiversity and support neurodiverse people – it’s vitally important that we give people who are living with Autistic Spectrum Disorder better chances in life
  • Prevent violence against women – this needs no explanation, but it’s an area that – very sadly – always needs funding
  • Support prison reform – as Fyodor Dostoyevsky said: A society should be judged not by how it treats its outstanding citizens but by how it treats its criminals
  • Protect or restore our fragile and battered marine environment – because the oceans are so important to our world and to me personally
  • Work in areas that really move me and where I think my support can make a genuine and lasting difference.”

Please note: we cannot consider unsolicited applications for funding. Donations and/or grants are only made following a thorough process of referral and research.

Among the causes whose work Mark has helped are: